How to Write Engaging Tweets

We all know that Twitter is a great way to keep up with what’s going on around the world and connect with people, but you may not realise that it’s also the perfect place to build your own personal brand and gain recognition in your industry. One of the best ways to do this on Twitter? Create engaging tweets that attract plenty of retweets and favourites, and use them to start conversations. Engaging tweets can help you spread your message to new followers who are interested in hearing what you have to say, and they can help strengthen existing relationships as well.

A Strong Call-to-Action

With a strong call-to-action, you can get people on Twitter and other social media sites to engage with your posts. These calls should be clear, succinct, and engaging—in both written copy and design—to boost clicks and comments. A great example of an effective call-to-action is: What do you think? Reply using #[hashtag]. Posts with hashtags receive 2x more engagement than those without.

Capitalise on current trending topics

What’s trending on Twitter? Using a hashtag, you can incorporate keywords into your tweets. Hashtags categorise your tweets and make them more easily searchable. With hashtags, you can connect with others who share similar interests or follow specific topics and events. Here are a few tips for using hashtags to reach new followers:

1. Use four or fewer hashtags per tweet.

2. Hashtags that use an excessive number of words can come across as spammy.

3. Use hashtags that are specific to your industry or interest area.

Use a content scheduler to help you plan and map out the content around trends.

Use your own words

Most people think that Twitter is a quick, one-to-many tool. This couldn’t be further from reality. The best tweets contain only 140 characters but they say more than a novel. A good rule of thumb: don’t use more than 70 characters if you want your tweet to have a fighting chance of being retweeted and spread virally on Twitter.

Send regular tweets

By now you’ve probably heard that you should be sending regular tweets throughout your day, and making sure you have an engaging tweet at all times. If not, that’s what we’re here for. Tweeting on a regular basis keeps your followers up-to-date with your latest thoughts and announcements. It also increases followers, who will in turn help spread your message farther than ever before.

Include images in your tweets

As a general rule, posting images with your tweets can be an effective way to grab attention and communicate your message. Twitter users seem more likely to interact with content that includes visuals, so if you want your tweets to be successful, try adding photos or graphs. You’ll increase engagement and boost followers, too! Just make sure that any images are consistent with your brand identity and don’t contain offensive material.

Interact with your audience

Build your social-media audience by interacting with people who engage with your posts. Take some time every day to reply to and like other users’ tweets, retweet their content, and reply when they @ you in a tweet. If you want to give yourself more visibility, ask your followers what they want from you. Do they prefer links or images? Vague updates or short sentences? Responding will help you find out what works best for them so that you can keep them engaged and increase their loyalty as followers.

Understanding how to create engaging Twitter posts is just the first step, it can still be difficult to get started and understand effectiveness by interpreting the data provided in the Analytics. We’re here to make your life easier! Try a free demo of GrowMOFO’s automated digital marketing platform to put our advice into action and automate your ads.

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