Is Twitter still a valuable social tool?

Twitter rose to fame in 2013. It was the first platform to allow “freedom of speech” in just a few characters.

We’re now seeing a huge drop in usage, larger than the drop in the second quarter of 2017, which saw the company lose over $116 million dollars (14% drop in stock value).

There are a thousand theories as to why the social platform continues to drop, but realistically? It’s unable to compete with the other popular platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat and more – overloaded with trolls, making Twitter unpleasant to be on and causing many brands to question whether it’s actually worth investing time in.

Although Twitter may not have the reach that others do, it can have advantages that others don’t.

Twitter for customer services queries for example is still the channel that consumers head to when they have a question about your brand and its products/services. Businesses can take advantage of this by ensuring that they’re ahead of the curve, responding to all customer questions and taking the opportunity to show them a human side of their brand, creating a pleasant, user-friendly experience for them.

Another advantage of the platform is the ability for your brand to work smarter, not harder – By that we mean using the range of tools that Twitter offers to your advantage! The use of the advanced search tools and Tweet threads will give brands a unique advantage through finding relevant discussions you can be a part of, seeing who your competitors are, what your customers are talking about/interested in ect.

There are many advantages to the platforms, even if it isn’t performing the way that it used to but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a place! If you’re wanting to be more customer-centric and learn more about the user experience, Twitter may be the right platform you!

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