Learn more about interactive content

Interactive content has been around for a while but has not held the same kind of power as it does today, used primarily for collection purposes rather than personalisation. Brands and marketers are now only realising that interactive content holds many benefits – It’s been proven to improve engagement, traffic and overall enjoyment from a users point of view.

What’s Interactive Content?

Interactive content is any kind of content that consumers can engage with, rather than passively consume. The most common and effective interactive content comes in forms of quizzes, open-ended questions, surveys and polls, interactive calculators, assessments, interactive e-books, interactive emails, contests, giveaways and more!

Interactive content is part of the greater trend towards personalisation; allowing the users to feel heard, as if their questions have been answered and their needs have been met.

These days personalisation (when it comes to your marketing) is more important than ever considering consumers are being bombarded with content across all socials. Similar to ‘Banner Blindness‘, a user can receive an overload of information when scrolling through their feeds, causing them to feel frustrated, overwhelmed and not pay full attention to what’s currently being marketed toward them.

Personalised marketing has increasing benefits. It can help with brand knowledge and loyalty, creating consistency, driving revenue and positively impacting the overall user experience. Personalised content talks directly with your consumer, allowing them to feel as though their wants and needs are being met simultaneously. This degree of personalisation is very important when building a community online.

However, before creating interactive content, a brand must understand how vital It is to plan and implement a personalised strategy that is based on previous data collection and analysis. You must understand your customers needs before developing something they may or may not like.

Don’t forget interactive content can also be used to collect data such as email, preference and demographic. This collected data can help you personalise your content even more for future use.

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