Why Do I Need to Know My Ad Metrics?

Google and Facebook have made it easier than ever to advertise on their platforms, but also harder than ever to keep track of the ads you’re running, how much they’re costing you, and how well they’re doing overall. The solution? It’s time to get some metrics under your belt so you can get more targeted with your ads and avoid wasting money on those that aren’t doing the job. Understanding your ads metrics is essential in getting an accurate idea of how your business is doing. Let’s dive in!

Measuring Ad Performance

You can tell if your Facebook ads are working by tracking how many people click on them. Just like Google Analytics, Facebook provides real-time analytics for each campaign you create. After a few days of running ads, visit your campaign page on Facebook and you’ll see which ads are performing well—and which aren’t—in terms of clicks. This information is invaluable in determining whether or not your ads are effective at driving traffic to your website. If an ad isn’t getting any clicks, it often means it isn’t relevant to users or it isn’t enticing enough for them to click on it. This is when you need to start adapting and changing that ad as you learn what works and what doesn’t.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Google Analytics is an incredibly useful tool. It shows you where visitors are coming from, how they behave on your site, which pages they like best, and what factors might have influenced them to visit in the first place. The key performance indicators in Google Analytics boil all of these activities down into easy-to-understand graphs that display activity over time. These graphs show you things like how many users visited a page, how long users spent on a page, and what browser was used most often.

You can also use KPIs to set goals for yourself—for example, if you want more traffic or more conversions (sales). Once you know your KPI benchmarks, it’s easier to see when something isn’t working and make changes accordingly. And if something does work well, it’s easier to replicate that success across other parts of your website.

How Should I Use These Metrics in The Future?

Now that you’ve got a good grip on your ad metrics, what’s next? The most important thing is to continue using them. It can be easy to look at one or two key numbers and forget about everything else. One quick way to make sure you’re using all of your metrics effectively is by creating an average for each month; then track those averages over time. By comparing your monthly averages, you can see where any changes have taken place in your campaigns and business as a whole.

A Breakdown of Ad Metrics

To wrap up, there are four main metrics you should know about: CPC, CPM, CPA and CTR. Knowing these metrics can be extremely helpful in comparing different campaigns against each other.

CPC = Cost-per-click

CPM = Cost per “mille,” or 1,000 impressions

CPA = Average cost per action

CTR = Click-through rate

If one campaign’s CTR is twice as high as another campaign’s CTR, for example, it’s likely that your clickthrough rate will be higher for that ad set. In addition, knowing what these metrics mean can help you troubleshoot problems with your ads more effectively. For instance, if your average CPC is much higher than normal, you might want to look into which keywords are causing that increase so you can remove them from your account or optimise them better. The next time you find yourself struggling to improve your performance on Google Ads, make sure you’re paying attention to your ad metrics. They’ll tell you a lot about how well (or poorly) things are going!

It can be hard to keep track of the ads you’re running, particularly across different platforms, GrowMOFO’s 3-step automated ad creation system makes digital marketing easy. Simply choose your budget, platform and then approve which ads you would like to run.

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